Did You Know You Can Grow Your Brain

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I had no idea till I started studying mind set. When you step out of your comfort zone to practice and learn new challenging things, like muscles when exercised, over time, parts of your brain change and grow larger.....

Inside the cortex of our brain are billions of tiny nerve cells called neurons. The nerve cells have branches connecting them to other cells in a complicated network. Communication between these cells is what allows us to think and solve problems. So when we step out of our comfort zone and take on new challenges, our neurons start forming new connections strengthening our brain and increasing our intelligence over time.

All these years I and most others thought a high IQ was a gift you were born with. I've always believed the only things one could increase was knowledge. Not true! Research done by Dr. Carol Dweck has shown that anyone can also increase their IQ. You know what that means? It means if you're not a genius right now, with enough persistence and hard work you can become one. I'm not quite a genius.....yet.

Hey, if we get the word out, maybe there's help for humanity after all. Ah but there is a catch. Dang it, I knew it! In order for one to grow their brain we have to switch from a fixed mind set to a growth mind set if we're not already there. I think I just hit on the problem with the world and it's decline. Those who are into fitness will be familiar with this statement, “If you don't use it you'll lose it.” Meaning of course atrophying of the muscles due to non use. The same thing happens when we don't use our brain enough, which with the state of the world as it's in right now seems to be the case.

How about this. Instead of relying on others such as the government to provide us with our needs, let's start learning a growth mind set, which in turn will grow our brains, making us smarter and much better problem solvers while empowering us to tackle the problems our world is plagued with today. And we all know there's plenty of them that need to be solved, and soon right?

This same principle applies to our industry, (Internet marketing) as well. If we never step out of our comfort zones, our brains don't grow, our business doesn't grow, and then of course neither does the income right? So if you come into this industry and expect never having to be uncomfortable, then you are definitely in the wrong place and should stay with your job.

Zero growth keeps us locked up in our comfort zone, where life is mediocre at best. And if we have kids, more than likely they will become what they see and end up the same, also living a mediocre life and never reaching their dreams. Just writing this brings tears to my eyes because I too was guilty of all of the above. It's why worked hard to change my way of thinking...... Now I have made it my life's mission to keep learn everything I can about mind set so I'll be able to help as many people as I can learn a growth mind set.

Real growth requires learning, and learning requires commitment, persistence, and effort, all of which can bring out our full potential and catapult us to higher heights where our dreams become a reality.


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