Summary: from
the last lesson will looked at the tags and element used in formatting HTML
simple structure.
Let further today by writing a simple HTML structure that will be
displayed in a browser.
Note: browsers can be Opera Mini, Mozilla Firefox, internet explorer,
crazy browser, safari etc. so you can view HTML through any of this.
Now let write a simple HTML code to display the title of a page and also
display some content on the browser which will be the result from the HTML
Note HTML is not case sensitive but it’s advisable to write in lowercase
<head><title>My Web Class</title></head>
<body>Writing a simple HTML code</body>
Note: it compulsory to open and close any of the HTML open tags Eg
Now save the code with any name such as (anyname.html) make sure u have
the extension .html, this will make the save file viewable in a browser.
Close the Note Editor in which you use in writing the HTML code and
locate your saved .html file
Note: the save file should be in form of the kind of browser available
on your system.
Double click it to see what you have done so far.
Hmmmm I congratulate you, you have just written your first HTML code and
its flying perfectly on your browser.
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